Avoidance of redundancies

In the event of a reduction in demand serious enough to require a commensurate reduction in working hours/headcount, JTL will consider organisational ways of adjusting to the reduction. This will include:

  • Reducing costs where possible;
  • reducing the number of short-term temporary, ad-hoc or contract staff;
  • bringing work in-house, rather than using contractors, where this is
  • redesigning jobs and reorganising work;
  • asking staff to consider a furlough;
  • asking for volunteers to work part-time or job share;
  • considering any other proposals put forward.

If JTL are unable to achieve the required savings by reorganising, if appropriate, JTL would ask for volunteers for redundancy. JTL reserves the right to refuse to agree to make someone redundant if it is not in the company’s interests to do so.

In the event that compulsory redundancies are unavoidable the Directors will consult with the individuals concerned about:

  • Redundancies proposed;
  • reasons for the proposals;
  • number and descriptions of employees who it is proposed to make redundant;
  • total number of employees of that type employed in the company;
  • proposed method of selecting the employees for redundancies;
  • how the redundancies will be carried out;
  • how any redundancy payments will be calculated.

The consultation will be carried out for the purpose of considering ways of:

  • Avoiding the dismissals;
  • reducing the number of employees to be dismissed; and

mitigating the consequences of the dismissals.