Under the Working Time Regulations, all employees are entitled to a minimum of 4 weeks annual leave (inclusive of bank holidays) (pro rata for part time employees) each year.

The holiday entitlement is accrued during the calendar year. The holiday must be taken between 1st January and 31st December and no more than 5 days’ unused leave (pro rata for part-time employees) may be carried over. Any such carried over leave should be used by 31st March of the following year.

Anything over this amount which has not been taken by the end of the year will be lost, and no payment will be made in respect of lost leave.

Holiday may be taken at any mutually convenient time during a holiday year, by agreement with the authorised line manager. The date of taking any leave is at the final discretion of a Director.

No-one shall be able to take three weeks or more at one time without prior permission from a Director.

New employees joining during a calendar year shall be entitled to 2 days per completed calendar month of service to 31st December.

An employee who leaves the service of JTL shall accrue 2 days per completed calendar month of service prior to the date of termination. Payment for holiday entitlement at termination shall be adjusted to take account of any holidays already taken in that year. JTL reserves the right to deduct, from any monies due to an employee at the time the employee leaves the service of JTL, payment for holidays taken in excess of those accrued up to the time the employment ceases.

Requests to take entitlement must be entered via the employee self-service portal, and then approved by the line manager, Director or Chief Executive as appropriate. Once the holiday has been approved the holiday record will be updated automatically and a confirmation email generated. Any approved leave that is subsequently cancelled must be advised to the line manager.