When an employee leaves JTL, for whatever reason, they will be issued with a final pay slip, P45 and Statutory Sick Pay Form SSP1(L) if applicable.

Terminal payments will be adjusted for holiday pay (over or under paid) and outstanding salary payments and expenses will be offset against the recovery of any float, professional qualification payments, or private medical insurance family premiums outstanding or any other sums owed by the employee. Pension contributions from JTL will cease at the date of termination.

Terminal payments may be withheld until all JTL property is returned and losses reconciled, including recompense for damaged JTL property. All access passwords, codes and keys must be surrendered. All property, documentation, papers and records must be returned to JTL on or before the leaving date. All papers and documentation relating to JTL’s business, customers or any prospect information must also be returned. Upon leaving, no future access to work related portals or accounts will be permitted.