The loss of or damage to property, personal or belonging to JTL, should be reported at once to the employee’s Line Manager.

Employees are responsible for the safety of their personal property on the premises. Articles left in empty offices are particularly vulnerable and JTL will not bear responsibility for loss.

Some basic precautions, which if followed, will reduce the risk of an employee and their equipment becoming victim to theft include;

  • Do not leave equipment unattended in unsecured locations. (Conference rooms,
    rooms at college, etc.)
  • Do not leave equipment within sight, in vehicles. (A laptop on the back seat of a
    car is a tempting offer to a thief.)
  • Do not be seen to place equipment into the boot of a car.
  • Always try to park in well-lit, busy locations.
  • Home-offices, on the ground floor: windows should be secured whilst the office is
    not in use.

Of course, if an employee is the recipient of any form of threatening behaviour, where JTL valuables are at risk, JTL does not expect an employee to offer any resistance or give any cause for the situation to be aggravated. Lost/stolen equipment, whilst a nuisance, is replaceable.