In accordance with the Employment Act 2002, and subject to having one year’s service, all employees with parental responsibilities for children up until the age of 18 are entitled to unpaid parental leave.

The entitlement is to 18 weeks’ unpaid leave during the period up until their child’s 18th .

A maximum of four weeks may be taken in a year, in blocks of one week or more. In the case of disabled children, parents can take this leave in blocks smaller than one week. One week’s parental leave is equivalent to the length of time that an employee is normally required to work in a week.

Employees wishing to take such leave should contact the Human Resources Manager for further details although it should be noted that at least 21 days’ notice will be required and JTL has the right to postpone the leave for up to 6 months if business needs so require. The employee will be asked to allow sight of the birth certificate, adoption order or other applicable documentation to the Human Resources Manager.

New employees joining JTL must declare, upon appointment, whether any parental leave has already been taken with the previous employer and, if so, how much. JTL may contact the previous employer for confirmation of the new employee’s declaration. In the case of an employee leaving, JTL may need to inform the new employer of any such leave taken.