Periods of sickness of eight calendar days or more up to 28 weeks linked or continuous absence

Medical statements should continue to be sent to the Human Resources Department. If sickness absence continues beyond 28 weeks the employee is required to agree that JTL may (subject to the terms of the Access to Medical Reports Act 1988) ask that a Medical Practitioner nominated by the company contact the employee’s own Medical Practitioner to ascertain how long it is likely to be before the employee will be fully fit to resume their contractual duties. JTL will make a decision based upon these reports and any examination conducted under paragraph viii on the employee’s ongoing employment l.

For employees who have the facility to work from home, where the period of absence is likely to extend beyond eight calendar days, or where a GP has provided a Medical Certificate, the line manager or Director will contact the Human Resources Department who shall arrange for the employee’s email account to be disabled and telephones diverted, where appropriate. The employee’s email account can only be re-enabled by a member of the Human Resources Department. This is to ensure that the employee is able to recover from illness without the distraction of work.