All employees are eligible to join the private medical scheme on the successful completion of their probation period. Employees should be aware that their membership will be considered “live” from the date noted under Benefits on SelectHR.

An employee may extend the provision of the Scheme to members of their immediate family (spouse and unmarried children under 21 years of age) by personally contracting to make the additional payment. JTL will purchase the family cover at renewal time and will pay this in full. The employee contracts to refund the additional payment to JTL and such payments may be made as a lump sum or as a monthly deduction from anticipated salary (10 monthly payments from February to November). This option is subject to annual renewal and the rules of the scheme in place from time to time, and again membership will run from the next anniversary of the Scheme (January).

Upon an employee leaving JTL, coverage for that person will be cancelled. Extended coverage for additional members of the employee’s family may be cancelled, however if the family member has made use of the policy in that year the policy will continue until the end of the calendar year.

Those who have contracted to make monthly payments must arrange for the outstanding amount in respect of the extended coverage to the end of the year to be met in full by no later than the last date of employment. Separate arrangements may be required to take account of this obligation and must be agreed with the HR Manager. JTL reserves the right to exclude from renewal those employees serving their notice at renewal time.

Should the eventuality of a potential claim arise, the employee should contact the scheme Helpline. No commitment can be made until approval is received.

There may also be cash limits on certain payments which, in cases of long-term sickness, may require detailed consideration. Employees should familiarise themselves with these.