Requesting support to acquire a professional qualification

JTL is keen to encourage the personal development of its employees and wishes to support those employees who wish to gain relevant professional qualifications that are not specifically within the responsibilities of their roles. Therefore, JTL will pay tuition fees for appropriate work-related academic courses, relevant to their current role and agreed career path within JTL. In order to be considered for this funding the following steps must be completed by the requesting employee, their line management and JTL.

1. Requesting employee. The employee must make a written request, including full costs, to their line manager prior to the commencement of the course.

2. Line manager. The line manager must ensure the employee confirms they are able to devote the time (outside normal working hours) required to complete the course of study given their personal family and work commitments. The line manager must discuss the proposal with the relevant Executive Director.

3. Executive Director. The relevant Executive Director must authorise the request.

4. JTL. Payment for the course must be made directly by JTL. JTL will not reimburse the cost of course materials, books, travel expenses or any other expenses related to attending the course.

5. Requesting employee. The employee must provide regular documentary evidence of attendance, and completion at a reasonable grade, to their line manager and the Employee Development Manager.

It should not be assumed that requests will be granted automatically, and such decisions are at the discretion of the company. The cost of any external qualification represents a significant financial investment on behalf of the company, which is re-claimable in the event that the employee leaves JTL’s employment.

Potential Repayment of costs

JTL reserves the right to seek reimbursement if the employee fails to complete the qualification or fails to achieve a satisfactory grade.

It is hoped that all employees stay with JTL to make use of their newly developed skills and capabilities when completing a course. However, if the employee leaves JTL’s employment whilst currently studying for a course or shortly after completing a course that has been requested above, up to 100% of the cost would be reimbursable. The cost of this may be deducted from the employee’s final salary payment or, if greater, paid back directly from the employee before leaving.

Repayment will become due and will be calculated from submission of notice. Repayment will be on the following basis:

  • Employee leaves before the course is complete – 100% of the cost.
  • Employee leaves within three months of the end of the course – 100% of the cost.
  • Employee leaves after three months but within six months of the end of the course – 75% of the cost.
  • Employee leaves after six months but within 12 months of the end of the course – 50% of cost.

JTL reserves the right to seek reimbursement if the employee fails to complete the qualification or fails to achieve a satisfactory grade.