JTL is keen to support its employees who wish to participate actively in their community. Should any existing employee contemplate a public appointment such as Justice of the Peace, member of Statutory Tribunal, Local Authority, School Governor, School Advisory Body, Territorial Army etc, they shall obtain the approval of the Director before accepting. Employees should be aware that release from JTL duty to undertake any voluntary public duty is not granted as a right. If acceptance of these public duties is approved, the employee shall be granted reasonable time off (defined as a maximum of 5 working days per annum with pay and a further 10 working days without pay) to undertake the duties required.

Those employees that join JTL already committed to and involved in public duties will be granted time off in accordance with the Employment Rights Act 1996. A maximum of 5 working days per annum with pay and a further 10 working days without pay will be granted.