JTL acknowledges the effects of untreated, long-term stress on the individual and has a policy to help avoid and alleviate any unacceptable levels of stress experienced by all employees. Where appropriate, a risk assessment of stress in the workplace will be carried out under the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations.

If an employee considers that they/she may be suffering from stress for reasons connected with working conditions or workload, they/she should approach their Line Manager or the Human Resources Manager who will consider the issue promptly and in the strictest confidence and, only where appropriate, draw the matter to the attention of the relevant Director. A risk assessment will be conducted by Health and Safety team and JTL will make all reasonable efforts to reduce any work-related stress.

Any employee noting symptoms of stress in a colleague should approach the relevant Line Manager or the Human Resources Manager who will act in strict confidence.

All employees and their families have access to the Employee Assistance Programme. This programme is completely confidential, and each employee is provided with contact details; these details are also available via The Company Intranet and the employee self-service portal.

On return to work from any period of stress-related illness, JTL will take account of medical advice (if appropriate and available) and the needs of the business when determining which duties are most appropriate.