Employment may be terminated by either the employee or JTL giving written notice to the other. Notice must be given in writing to the line manager with a concurrent copy sent to the Human Resources Department.

Unless otherwise stated in the employee’s Statement of Main Terms of Employment or within the probationary period, the period of notice to be given to terminate the employment, by either JTL or the employee, will be twelve weeks. For employees whose Statement of Main Terms of Employment states a notice period of less than 12 weeks, the statutory requirements under the Employment Rights Act 1996 may be implemented by JTL (i.e. one week’s notice for each completed year of service subject to a maximum of 12 weeks’ notice after 12 years’ service) where these provide for a notice period in excess of that set out in the contract of employment.

In the event of the employment being terminated by notice by either JTL or the employee, JTL reserves the right to require the employee not to report for work during the notice period and reserves the right to exclude the employee from JTL premises (“garden leave”). All other contractual benefits will continue during that time.

JTL may terminate the employment at any time and may, in its absolute discretion, make a payment in lieu of notice, but shall be under no legal obligation to do so. For any period of notice, for which money has been paid in lieu, the employee shall not be entitled to any benefit other than pay or money paid in lieu of benefits.

Acceptance of resignation by JTL and the commencement of the notice period shall be taken, for all purposes, as termination of employment and liability for repayment of any advances including and not limited to Float, Professional Qualification payments, private medical insurance family premiums etc. are incurred from that time.

There is no right to any discretionary bonus during the notice period.

JTL will deduct 50% of the cost of any home office furniture supplied to employees that leave within their probationary period.

JTL reserves the right to suspend employment on full pay, pending the investigation of any alleged misconduct by the employee.

JTL reserves the right to terminate employment summarily without notice, or payment in lieu of notice, if any employee commits any breach of these Conditions or is found to be guilty of gross misconduct or negligence.