All media enquiries must be referred to the Communications team.

The Communications team will manage all media enquiries and issue all press releases. No employees are otherwise authorised to make any comment to press or media and must refer all press or media contact to the Communications team. Where necessary, the Communications team will then liaise with relevant JTL employees and, if applicable, any additional third parties.

The Head of Public Affairs and Communications has the authority to approve press releases prior to issue; however, if the subject of the press release is sensitive or high profile then approval is required by a Director and, in some circumstances, the Chief Executive. Any quotes attributed to an employee must be agreed and approved by that employee.

Radio and TV appearances require prior approval from the Chief Executive. These include invitations to give interviews. Wherever practicable, a prepared statement to meet the requirements of a prior submitted question brief shall be approved by the Chief Executive. Un-scripted interview appointments shall not be accepted without approval from the Chief Executive.

Any press, radio or television interviews will be given by the Chief Executive, or authorised senior manager, and organised by the Communications team. Wherever practicable, a prepared statement or brief to meet the requirements of any prior submitted questions from the media shall be prepared by the Communications team and approved by the Chief Executive.

Employees giving unauthorised comment or interviews to the press may be subject to disciplinary action, which could include dismissal.

 JTL has a detailed Social Media Policy (Annex 15) which should be referred to.