“To be the training organisation of choice to the building services engineering sector.”


Purpose of the Handbook

This handbook is so much more than a description of policies, procedures and your Terms and Conditions of Employment. It is also a statement of our guiding principles – the values we hold dear, the beliefs that drive what we do and the high standards of behaviour that shape the way we engage with customers, partners and each other.

So while it has been designed as an easy-to-use reference document, it will also give you an insight into what it takes to thrive and develop at JTL.

In the pages that follow, you will learn what we expect from you. But you will also discover what you can expect from us as you grow, collaborate and succeed as part of the JTL team.

To get the most out of the handbook, you should read it in conjunction with your offer letter and Statement of Main Terms of Employment.

The letter and statement, together with the Terms and Conditions section of this handbook, form the main part of your Contract of Employment.

The Rules, Policies and Procedures section – which does not form part of the contract – will let you know how things work at JTL and what this means to you on a day-to-day basis.

How exactly do we promote your health and wellbeing? What kind of training and development resources and opportunities will you enjoy? How do we approach issues such as recruitment and security? And what policies and frameworks do we have in place to recognise individual achievement and keep everyone on our team well-informed?

You will find the answers to all these questions – and more – in the following pages.

And remember: if you need any additional guidance on any matter, even ones not included in this handbook, your Line Manager or the Human Resources team will always be on hand to help.

About JTL

As someone who has chosen to join JTL, you will already know who we are, what we do and how we’ve evolved into one of the most successful organisations of our kind. But here’s a brief reminder of the most important facts:

  • JTL was established in 1990 and is now the leading work-based learning provider in the building services engineering sector across England and Wales.
  • We are the largest sector provider of Government-funded apprenticeships and advanced apprenticeships in electrical installation, engineering maintenance and mechanical engineering services including plumbing, heating and ventilation.
  • Today we serve over 7,000 learners and around 3,500 employers and have more than 400 talented staff based in our Training Centres, offices and in the field.
  • The JTL Group  – CompEx (JT Limited) is the Certification Body for the CompEx Scheme, providing global Competency Validation and Certification for technical professionals working in potentially hazardous or explosive atmospheres, both onshore and offshore.  Develop Training Limited delivers continuous career training in Compliance, Technical and Safety.
  • As a Limited Company with charitable status, we are led by the Chief Executive supported by an Executive Management Team as well as a non-executive Board of Trustees.
  • We operate through a network of local Training Officers who are based in their home locations but work within regional teams. We also have a National Administration Centre in Wrexham as well as Training Centres throughout England.
  • Our work is also supported by a comprehensive range of professionals in areas ranging from HR, Finance and Marketing to Business Development, Health & Safety and Quality of Teaching, Learning and Assessment.

    Quality Standards

    At JTL, our ‘quality first’ approach is reflected in everything we do. That starts with the way we develop and grow our teams.   But that’s just part of the story. Our pursuit of continuous improvement is underpinned by a Quality Management System certified to ISO9001 (and in the case of CompEx, ISO17024).

    What’s more, Ofsted has graded JTL as ‘good’ for the sixth consecutive time in the last 23 years. It’s an achievement that speaks to both the level and consistency of the services that we provide to employers and apprentices.

    In addition, we hold certification to the Matrix Standard (gained in 2009) in recognition of the quality of Information, Advice and Guidance we offer to interested parties. We are also recognised as being Positive about Disabled People by the Employment Service.

    And, just for good measure, JTL became one of the first organisations in the UK to receive the prestigious ‘Leaders in Safeguarding’ quality mark for the effectiveness of our safeguarding arrangements.

    Terms & Conditions


    1.1 New Employees

    All new employees are required to supply the HR team with a P45 and any form SSP1(L) provided by their previous employer or the Department of Works and Pensions

    You will also need to declare whether you have taken any Parental Leave with your previous employer and – if so – how much.

    Arrangements will be made for induction training following appointment.

    As you would expect, JTL will take up references and, if you join us in a ‘regulated’ role or are working in ‘regulated’ premises, we will check for criminal records. ‘Regulated’ roles are exempt from the requirements of the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974.

    All employees are also required to provide satisfactory evidence of their eligibility to work in the UK and for JTL. Managers must be aware of any restrictions on employees’ eligibility to work and – if they do not have unlimited leave to work in the UK – must make sure that regular reviews of their eligibility to work are carried out.

    1.2 Probationary Period

    Starting a new role is an exciting time, but it can also be daunting. That’s why probationary periods were invented! All new and newly promoted employees have a probationary period. The goal is to make sure that you are right for JTL and, just as importantly, that JTL is right for you. It will do more than just give you an insight into your role. It will highlight your strengths, help define your training needs and let you see exactly how you fit into the company. Complete it successfully, and we will immediately confirm your appointment in writing.

    You are required to give one week’s notice in writing to JTL should you wish to leave during probation. Equally, unsatisfactory performance during or at the end of the probation period may lead to the termination of employment with one week’s notice in writing. In exceptional circumstances, a probation period can be extended for a maximum of three months.

    1.3 Working Hours

    Normal working hours are 35 hours per week within our core office hours of 9.00am to 5.00pm (typically with one unpaid hour for lunch). Some roles may involve staggered hours to meet the needs of the business, and these will be set out in your contract of employment.

    If you are home-based, you will need to liaise with your manager and your Director to arrange your working times in advance. From time to time, working and travelling outside of core office hours will be required, and this will not qualify for overtime payments or time off in lieu.

    JTL is required to comply with the Working Time Regulations 1998. If you wish to opt out of the 48 Hour Working Week Regulation, you should do this in writing. Should you subsequently wish to revoke this opt out, you can do so by giving JTL two months’ notice in writing.

    1.4 Job Descriptions

    Clarity and consistency are important when it comes to defining your role and responsibilities as part of our team. For this reason, everyone is issued with a Job Description upon appointment and this may be updated at appropriate intervals to reflect new challenges and activities resulting from the growth of our business. All current Job Descriptions are available on the Company Intranet and SelectHR.

    1.5 Criminal Records Checks

    Safeguarding is a key priority at JTL and we are fully committed to the rigorous implementation of our legal requirements. We will clearly identify roles that require you to disclose your criminal record. This will help us decide whether a person’s criminal record is relevant and whether they can be safely employed given our legal responsibility to protect children and vulnerable adults. As you would expect, any offer of employment will be conditional on  satisfactory results.

    1.6 Flexible Working Arrangements

    Many businesses have been slow to embrace flexible working. We are not one of them. We consider seriously all flexible working applications because – as an organisation that wants the best for every member of our team – it’s the right thing to do.

    While there is no automatic right to work flexibly, we will strive to make it possible as long as it has no detrimental impact on the operational or financial performance of the business. That decision will be open and transparent, and your voice will be heard throughout the decision-making process. The decision will be justified in writing and the employee will have a right of appeal if they are not satisfied with the outcome.

    Discover more about flexible work arrangements and your statutory and JTL entitlements by talking to the HR team or visiting www.directgov.co.uk.

    1.7 Performance

    At JTL, we are determined to harness the potential of everyone on our team. That’s not just about preparing you for the job you do; it’s about giving you the training, support, feedback and guidance to deal with new challenges as our organisation develops and grows.

    You will, of course, be expected to meet the standard required of your role and you will engage in a locally managed performance improvement programme if that standard is not met. This will include informal guidance from your Line Manager who will help you develop in line with your Personal Support Plan. If necessary, you could move on to a more formal capability route.

    Failure to make sufficient progress may result in disciplinary action up to and including dismissal.

    1.8 Termination of Employment

    Employment may be terminated by either the employee or JTL, with each giving written notice to the other. The required notice period will depend on your role and will be detailed in your contract of employment. 

    For a detailed understanding of the termination process – including termination periods, decisions about “garden leave”, reasons for summary termination and issues relating to pay and benefits – see our full Termination of Employment Policy HERE

    1.9 Leavers

    When you leave JTL, for whatever reason, you will be issued with a final pay slip, P45 and Statutory Sick Pay Form SSP1 (L) if applicable.

    There will also be a number of process issues that need to be addressed. How will outstanding salary payments be adjusted for things like holiday pay, professional qualification payments or sums owed by the employee? What documentation or records must be returned to JTL before leaving? At what point will pension contributions from JTL cease? For answers to these and other questions, see our Leavers Policy HERE.

    1.10 References

    Individual employees must not provide JTL references. All requests for references – whether financial or relating to employment – must be directed to the Human Resources team at Head Office.

    Any personal references must clearly state that the reference is provided in a private capacity and should not be issued on JTL stationery or purport to represent the views of JTL.

    Any reference issued by JTL will inform the new employer of any Parental Leave taken and – for regulated posts – any warnings or sanctions pertinent to current safeguarding/child protection legislation.

    1.11 Safeguarding Policy

    Everyone has a right to live their lives free from fear, abuse and neglect. That’s why any organisation that works with or around vulnerable groups has a responsibility to protect their safety and human rights.

    JTL is no exception.

    Quite simply, safeguarding children and vulnerable adults is front and centre of everything we do. We have created robust systems and procedures to help us understand which individuals are at risk of harm or are particularly vulnerable. We have developed ways to reduce the risk of abuse or neglect, and stop it from occurring. And we have established rigorous guidelines designed to help us communicate effectively with vulnerable groups and correctly identify, record and report instances of abuse and neglect.

    You can find out more about how we fulfil our vital safeguarding responsibilities by reading our full Safeguarding Policy HERE.

    1.12 Fitness to Teach

    As one of the UK’s leading work-based training providers, the professional competence and conduct of our training staff is of paramount importance. For this reason, we are happy to be bound by the terms of the Fitness to Teach regulations introduced by the Government. These are in place to ensure that our trainers have the necessary competence, health and physical ability to teach without putting children or young people at risk.

    To discover more about Fitness to Teach – and how we balance its demands against our duty not to discriminate against people with a disability – read our full policy HERE

    1.13 Private Medical Insurance

    At JTL, we care about the health and welfare of the people who work for us. In addition to offering a supportive working environment that encourages open and honest communication, we believe that every employee should be eligible to join the private medical scheme once they complete their probation period.

    For more information about the scheme please read the full description HERE.

    1.14 BUPA Healthcheck

    After three years’ employment at JTL, employees become eligible a full health screening paid for by JTL – and this will recur every three years after that.

    You will be notified when you become eligible and receive details of how to make arrangements for the screening; appointments must be taken in the year due. 

    Naturally, the medical report resulting from the health screening will be a confidential matter between the employee, BUPA and your medical practitioner. JTL will not be sent a copy without your direct written authority.

    1.15 Employee Privacy Notice

    How and why does JTL collect and process personal data relating to our employees? What precisely do we use that information for? Under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), we are legally obliged to inform all employees about how we collect and use their personal data and meet data protection requirements. To discover more about our transparent approach, read the full policy HERE.

    2. PAY

    2.1 Pay

    At JTL, we believe in sharing the rewards of our success with the people who help us achieve it. That starts with our approach to pay. For reference, employees will be paid monthly on or before the 15th of the month, with payment covering the whole of the current calendar month. Regular benchmarking ensures that we offer competitive remuneration packages, of course, but we also conduct yearly salary reviews and offer a discretionary performance-related pay scheme based on the performance of the company, the team and the individual. Read more HERE

    2.2 Holiday Pay

    All calculations shall be based on a formula of 1/260 of the annual salary for each day (on the assumption of 260 working days per annum).

    2.3 Pensions

    The JTL Group Personal Pension Scheme (GPP) is a great way to save for the future, not least because your own contributions are magnified by the contributions JTL makes into your pension fund. For details of your pension entitlement – including the “smart” pension salary exchange facility – read more HERE

    2.4 Death in Service

    As a responsible employer, JTL has Life Cover in place for all employees. To discover how the JTL Group Life Assurance Scheme works – and about completing a valid Expression of Wish Form – please read more HERE


    3.1 Holidays

    Holidays are really important. They not only give you some valuable family and personal time; they allow you to relax, replenish yourself and return to work relaxed. The JTL holiday year runs from 1 January to 31 December. For a detailed understanding of your entitlement, simply read our full policy HERE

    3.2 Additional Holiday Allowance

    After every three years of service, employees will accrue an additional day’s holiday up to a maximum of 5 additional days after 15 years. And because we recognise that employees may require more time off on occasion, there is the option to purchase up to five additional days in each year once the employee completes one year’s service. Discover more HERE

    3.3 Statutory Bank Holidays & Christmas Shut-down

    In addition to the holiday entitlement outlined above, employees are also entitled to eight statutory Bank Holidays each year. JTL is closed for business between Christmas and the New Year, and these non-working days are given in addition to your contractual holiday entitlement. See HERE

    3.4 Holiday Pay

    All calculations shall be based on a formula of 1/260 of the annual salary for each day of holiday (on the assumption of 260 working days a year).

    4. ABSENCE

    4.1 Absence

    At JTL, our absence policy aims to ensure that absence is managed in a consistent, supportive and effective way so that operational and service levels are maintained. As a general principle, permission for any leave of absence must be obtained from the manager in advance. You must also give reasons for the request and give reasonable notice so that the manager can make any necessary arrangements for cover.

    4.2 Absence Due to Sickness or Injury

    If you are unwell or injured, the first seven days (five working days) of sickness can be self-certified. After that, however, your absence must be supported by a Statement signed by a Medical Practitioner.

    There are clear procedures to follow and forms to complete for all cases of absence. Before looking at specific requirements for specific types and lengths of sickness, read the full absence overview HERE

    4.2a First Normal Working Day of Absence

    If you are unable to attend work because of illness or any other incapacity, you must speak to your manager or – if that is not possible – to the Human Resources Department at Head Office – before 9.10am. Read specific guidance on this process HERE

    4.2b Absences of More Than Two Working Days

    You must notify JTL on each subsequent day of absence unless a medical certificate has been issued. See HERE

    4.2c Absences of More Than Seven Calendar Days

    If you are unable to return to work for a fifth working day, you will need to complete and return the Company Absence Statement so as not to put at risk your right to Statutory Sick Pay for that period.

    Where your absence exceeds five working days, you will need to obtain and submit a Medical Practitioner’s statement. Read more HERE

    4.2d Periods of Sickness of Eight Calendar Days or more up to 28 Weeks Linked or Continuous Absence

    Medical statements should continue to be sent to the Human Resources Department. If sickness absence continues beyond 28 weeks, you will be required to agree that a JTL-nominated Medical Practitioner can contact your own Medical Practitioner to assess how long it is likely to be before you can resume your contractual duties.

    If you have the facility to work from home during such an extended period of absence, JTL will arrange for your email account to be disabled and telephones diverted, where appropriate. This will allow you to recover without the distraction of work.

    You will find more details HERE

    4.2e Failure to Follow the Correct Absence Notification Procedure

    Failure to notify JTL of illness or injury in the required manner can jeopardise payment of sick pay. Read more HERE

    4.2f Qualifying Days

    Qualifying days are the only days for which you can claim Statutory Sick Pay. See an explanation HERE

    4.2g Consideration of Cases

    It is important that periods of absence are both reasonable and warranted in the judgement of the Human Resources Manager and the relevant Director. For details of this assessment process and its potential consequences, see HERE

    4.2h Medical Examinations

    There are occasions when it is to the benefit of both JTL and you that your medical fitness for duties should be checked. To see how this process works, see HERE

    4.2i Return to Work

    In the interests of your well-being, you may be invited to an interview once you return to work. This will help us ensure that you have the support you need – and may include conducting a formal Risk Assessment with the Health & Safety team. Other options such as a phased return to work on reduced hours may also be discussed. Read more HERE

    4.2j Payments to Eligible Employees During Periods of Sickness/Injury

    Payments are of two kinds – Occupational Sick Pay and Statutory Sick Pay. These are worked out on the basis of length of service and legal entitlement. You can find a clear breakdown of these options HERE

    4.2k Calculation for Sickness Pay

    The formula used to calculate Sickness Pay is explained HERE

    4.2l Sickness Absence Whilst on Annual Leave

    If you have booked annual leave and are then on sickness absence, you will need to provide a medical certificate on your return in order for the annual leave to be re-credited.

    4.2m Frequent and Persistent Short-term Absence

    Frequent and persistent short-term absence will be investigated by the Line Manager and may – subject to relevant medical and other information – lead to further action. Discover more HERE

    4.2n Sickness Absence During the Disciplinary Process

    Where the company reasonably suspects that the period of absence is intended to avoid an ongoing or the inception of a disciplinary process,  JTL reserves the right to pay Statutory Sick Pay only.

    4.3 Compassionate Leave

    In the case of bereavement or serious illness in your immediate family, compassionate leave will be granted at the discretion of the Director. You may also be required to complete an absence statement.

    4.4 Household Commitments e.g. repairs, services etc

    We try to be as flexible and accommodating as possible, and time off for household commitments will be granted at the Line Manager’s discretion. In some circumstances, time off will need to be taken out of your holiday entitlement.

    4.5 Appointments for Dentists and Doctors

    Necessary appointments should – whenever possible – be made for the beginning or end of the day. You will need to inform the Line Manager in advance, but there is no need to complete an absence statement form in these circumstances.

    4.6 Special Leave Arrangements

    Written applications for special leave – over and above your existing holiday entitlement – may be considered. This will be subject to the final discretion of the Director.

    4.7 Jury Service / Witness Service

    If you are required to undertake Jury Service or to attend Court as a witness, you must consult the Human Resources Manager immediately. JTL will grant a paid leave of absence up to a maximum of two weeks, after which you should make a claim against the Court for any loss of earnings incurred as a result of an extended Court appearance. JTL will subsequently make up any difference between the financial reimbursement against loss of earnings from the court and the basic salary (upon provision of written proof of claim and reimbursement.

    4.8 Time Off for Dependants

    Life can be unpredictable and you may be called on to deal with emergencies related to children or other dependants. You have a statutory right to take reasonable time off work without pay to deal with emergency  situations – a dependant falling ill or dying, for instance, or an unexpected incident involving a child at school. You must simply tell your manager as soon as possible about the reason for your absence and agree how long you will be away from work. For a full explanation of this process, and a clear definition of who counts as a dependant, see the full policy HERE

    4.9 Parental Leave

    Every employee who is the parent of a child under the age of 18 is able to take up to 18 weeks’ unpaid ordinary parental leave before or up to the date of the child’s 18th birthday. This also applies if you are the parents of an adopted child. See the full Parental Leave policy HERE

    4.10 Ante-natal Care and Maternity Leave

    4.10a Ordinary Maternity Leave

    4.10b Additional Maternity Leave / Occupational Maternity Pay

    Every year members of our team welcome a new baby into their family, and we think it’s important to support parents both leading up to and following this special time. Expectant mothers can take time off for antenatal care, and prospective fathers can take unpaid time off to attend antenatal appointments. All pregnant colleagues are able to take 52 weeks maternity leave and depending on your length of service will also be entitled to Maternity Pay and Occupational Maternity Pay.

    The first 26 weeks of maternity are known as Ordinary Maternity Leave and the second 26 weeks are known as Additional Maternity leave. Explore the full details HERE

    4.10c Keeping In Touch Days

    Where both parties agree, an employee can work for up to 10 days during maternity leave, provided that this is not during the compulsory maternity leave period, without losing her right to Statutory Maternity Pay.  JTL is permitted to make reasonable contact with an employee on maternity leave.


    4.10d Return to Work After Maternity Leave

    Once you have notified JTL of the intended start date for maternity leave, JTL will notify you of the date your maternity leave will end. You will need to notify JTL if you intend to return to work following your leave or before the end of either your Ordinary or Additional Maternity Leave period. Read more HERE

    4.10e Return to Part-Time Work

    If you are employed on a full-time contract, there is not automatic right to return to a part-time post following maternity leave. JTL will consider requests on a case-by-case basis. Read more HERE

    4.11 Paternity Leave / Occupational Paternity Pay

    Paternity leave of up to 2 weeks is permitted for the purpose of caring for a new born child or to support the child’s mother (in the case of birth) or adopter (in the case of adoption). To discover the full eligibility rules and required notice period, read the full policy HERE

    4.12 Adoption Leave

    Do you believe that adoptive and birth parents deserve equal leave to care for their children? So do we – and we aim to make it happen at JTL. Subject to meeting certain criteria, adoptive parents are able to take up to 52 weeks of adoption leave and may qualify for statutory adoption pay. Read the full Adoption Leave information HERE

    4.13 Unpaid Leave

    In exceptional circumstances you may be granted long-term unpaid leave of absence. This is intended for purposes such as an extended family illness or international sporting events for employees representing their country. The maximum amount of long-term leave that may be granted is 6 months.


    5.1 Public Duties

    At JTL, we actively support employees who wish to participate actively in the community – for example, as a Justice of the Peace, member of a Statutory Tribunal, Local Authority, School Governor, School Advisory Body, Territorial Army, etc. With the approval of the Director, you could be granted a maximum of 5 days per annum with pay and a further 10 working days without pay. Read more HERE

    5.2 Political Activities

    JTL fully respects the rights of employees to express their views provided those views are neither offensive nor inappropriate. Read MORE

    5.3 Volunteer Reserve Forces

    At JTL, we aim to support our employees who are members of the Reserve Forces. This includes providing them with a maximum of 10 days’ paid leave during any calendar year to attend a Reserve Training activity. For a detailed insight into JTL’s commitment to Reservists, and the processes involved in delivering that commitment, read our full policy HERE

    5.4 Sports Clubs for School Aged Children

    JTL recognises that many of our employees will be involved in additional community voluntary activities in support of children and young people. You do not need to advise JTL formally of such activity, particularly if you are engaged as a voluntary helper on an occasional basis.

    5.5 Other Paid Employment

    JTL employees must not engage in any paid occupation nor enter into any business – whether on their own behalf or for another – without first obtaining written consent from the Director. New employees are asked to declare any paid occupation or outside interests upon joining. Contravention of these rules is in breach of the Contract of Employment. Read the full policy, including reasons why consent may be withheld, HERE


    6.1 Confidential Information

    Information security and confidentiality are vital to our operational effectiveness and legal compliance. In the normal course of business, employees may have access to or receive confidential information referring to individuals, companies, JTL policies and strategic decisions, and contracts. Sharing this with unauthorised parties will be regarded as gross misconduct, as will making unauthorised access to information held on the computers of JTL or any of their associates or any portals maintained by third parties. Read a full description of our policy HERE

    6.2 Intellectual Property Rights

    Copyright in any material, in any medium, that may have been invented, authored or developed by an employee of JTL, belongs to JTL unless otherwise specifically agreed by the Chief Executive in writing.

    Rules, Policies & Procedures


    At JTL, caring for each other is a fundamental part of who we are and what we stand for as an organisation. Looking after the physical safety of employees, partners and apprentices is part of that, of course. But so is dealing with workplace stress, promoting mental health and encouraging physical fitness. Our continuing success demands a workforce that is fighting fit, and we’ve developed our working environment with that goal in mind. Below are some of the policies we’ve developed to turn that goal into reality…

    1.1 Health and Safety at Work

    Responsibility for health and safety goes way beyond our dedicated Health & Safety Department.

    Every one of us has a duty under the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 to take reasonable care for the health and safety of ourselves or others at work. We must cooperate with the organisation, or any other person, to ensure that we fully comply with the requirements and duties imposed by the statutory provisions. For all these reasons, JTL promotes best practices of care and corporate responsibility.

    We ask you to pay particular attention to the Health & Safety Policy, Risk Assessments, Driving at Work Policy and Local Working Instructions relating to the Report of Accidents and/or Dangerous Occurrences. Details of all these can be found on the company intranet.

    1.2 First Aid

    All employees should be aware of the nominated First Aid Officers and the location of the First Aid Kit. A travelling first aid kit for emergency use will also be issued to employees who need to use a motor vehicle to conduct work activity. Actions to be taken in the event of an emergency are briefly covered during induction training.

    1.3 Fire Regulations

    You will find detailed fire regulations on the relevant notice boards of all JTL premises. The organisation has a duty to make you aware of these instructions including fire exits, assembly areas, nominated fire officer and required participation in fire drills. Induction training will also cover action to be taken in the case of an emergency.

    1.4 Smoke-Free Workplace Policy

    The rule is simple: there is a total ban on smoking at all times within JTL premises unless a designated smoking area is provided. For more information about our no-smoking policy – including its relevance to employees who work from home and driving on company business – see the full document HERE

    1.5 Eye Tests

    The EU regulations are clear: employees who use computers at work are entitled to an eye test and basic spectacles at the expense of their employer. For this reason, JTL has a Corporate Eye Test Package that provides the best national coverage and the best benefits for all employees. To discover what this package offers you – and how to access its benefits – read more HERE

    1.6 Alcohol/Substance Abuse

    If JTL believes that an employee suffers from an alcohol or substance abuse condition, we have the authority to require the employee to seek medical advice and treatment. Technically, such offences may be categorised as misconduct subject to Disciplinary Procedures, but our primary concern is the welfare of the individual and the avoidance of any potentially negative impact on the business.

    1.7 Work-Related Social Functions

    Good behaviour and respect towards others are vital aspects of the JTL culture – and these should be demonstrated both within the working environment and at any work-related social function. Failure to do so will not be tolerated and may result in disciplinary action. It goes without saying that alcohol provided at work-related functions should be consumed sensibly and employees must abide by drink and driving laws if they need to drive after the event.

    1.8 Criminal Offences

    Honesty, credibility and trust underpin everything we do as an organisation. If an employee is convicted of any criminal offence, they must declare it to the Human Resources Director immediately.

    The employee will not automatically be dismissed or disciplined because they have been charged with, or convicted, of a criminal offence. However, JTL reserves the right to review the employee’s conduct and any implications it may have on JTL’s business. Disciplinary action may then be taken if necessary.

    1.9 Welfare

    You are more than just an employee at JTL. You are an individual member of a community that places enormous value on supporting and caring for each other – and not just within the work environment.

    So if you have a problem that is not related to your specific employment, you may discuss the problem in confidence with either your immediate Line Manager or the Human Resources Manager.  In addition, you and your immediate family have access to a free Employee Assistance Programme with the resource and expertise to help you with a range of life issues. It is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, and you can find out more via the Company intranet and the employee self-service portal.

    1.10 Stress Policy

    At JTL, we recognise that work-related stress can affect both mental and physical health – and we address this issue by developing good working practices and actively identifying sources of workplace stress. Our Health and Safety team regularly conducts risk assessments, for example, and Line Managers and the Human Resources Manager are on hand to provide confidential support and sign-post services and resources that will help overcome stress in you or a colleague. See our full Stress Policy HERE

    1.11 Protective Clothing

    We never compromise on employee safety. If you are required to visit a work place or that exposes you to risks, you will be issued with personal protective equipment such as safety helmet, safety boots, safety goggles, high visibility jacket and a high visibility waistcoat. Wearing this personal protective equipment is not optional – and failure to do so is likely to amount to an act of misconduct.

    1.12 Dress/Personal Hygiene

    Our dress policy can be summarised in two words: Dress Appropriately. That means dressing in a way that matches the location and the nature of the work being conducted. If a field-based employee is visiting a JTL office, for instance, he or she should follow the dress code at that location. And it goes without saying that everyone must have a high standard of personal hygiene at all times. For guidance on appropriate dress relating to Head Office, NAC and Field Staff, read our full policy HERE

    1.13 Equal Opportunities

    Diversity, equality and inclusion are more than just words for us. They are core principles that guide the way we build our teams, cultivate our leaders, engage with the public and harness the full talents of our people. We are an equal opportunities employer and our written policy – reviewed annually – is available on the Company intranet and the employee self-service portal       

    1.14 Persons with Disabilities

    As an organisation, we take great care to ensure that employees, job applicants and service users are treated fairly and free from discrimination at all times. For this reason, we actively support the recruitment of people with disabilities, and are willing to implement appropriate modifications where these allow individual to perform the tasks asked of them. To discover more about our approach – and for guidance if you have a disability – read our full policy HERE

    1.15 Union Membership

    Membership of a Trade union or staff association is entirely a matter of individual choice, and JTL expresses no views on the desirability of joining any particular union.

    The recognised Trade Union in the craft sector of the building services engineering industry is Unite the Union. However, JTL does not recognise any Trade Union for bargaining purposes and does not pay membership dues or operate a check-off agreement.

    1.16 Industrial Relations/Legal/Health and Safety

    Employees must not give industrial relations, legal or health and safety advice to apprentices, their families, employers, colleges and others. Why? Because if the advice is later found to be deficient, there is a possibility of personal liability against the individual employee and/or JTL.

    JTL employees should only discuss matters that are clearly defined in the JIB National Working Rule Agreement (Handbook) – for example, wage rates, holidays and entitlements.


    Should a solicitor or legal representative contact any JTL employee for information relating to JTL’s business, no discussion should be entered into and the query should immediately be referred to a Director.

    1.17 Insurance

    JTL is required by law to have Employers’ Liability and Public Liability insurance coverage. This covers all JTL office locations including those where employees work from home. Any claim for financial loss made against JTL should immediately be referred via the appropriate manager to the Finance team.

    Employees working from home must also ensure that their premises and its contents are adequately insured, as these are not covered under JTL’s policy.

    All employees travelling on company business (excluding commuting) are covered for personal accident by JTL’s insurance. And, finally, JTL has Business Travel Insurance for employees travelling abroad on company business.

    To discover more about how insurance matters affect you – including procedural matters relating to queries and claims – read the full details HERE

    1.18 Working from Abroad

    Given the complexities and potential risks involved, JTL will not sanction employees working from abroad without exceptional circumstances.

    All requests to work from outside the UK must be formally made in advance, in writing, and the company will consider such requests on a case-by-case basis. Employees are urged to carefully review and understand the implications of working from a foreign country before making any formal requests.

    Matters for consideration:

    Taxation Implications: It is advised that employees seek personal tax advice before considering working abroad to understand potential financial implications. JTL will not pay for tax advice and will not payments outside its normal salary process.

    Immigration and Right to Work: Employees are responsible for ensuring that they have the necessary visas or permissions to work from a foreign country.   JTL will not sponsor or obtain visas.

    Data Protection: While JTL has complies with UK GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) and data protection measures, employees are reminded that these do not apply in all countries. The nature of our work with learners and the information we hold mean that JTL are legally obliged to comply with UK legislation.  Work involving access to personal data – employee or learner will not be sanctioned.

    Insurance: Employees working from abroad should be aware that their decision will affect company insurance policies.  JTL will not provide separate or additional cover.

    Health and Safety: UK employers are obligated to ensure the safety and well-being of their employees. Working from abroad introduces unique challenges to this commitment.

    Time Zones: It is important that colleagues and learners can communicate with each other within contractual working ours. Working from abroad introduces unique challenges to this commitment.


    Our commitment to building a strong and influential organisation goes hand in hand with our determination to harness the potential of everyone on our team. It’s all about preparing you for the job you do and giving you the knowledge and confidence to take on new challenges as our business grows.  To this end, we have created a learning environment that offers clear training pathways, well-defined learning milestones and a strong focus on helping you achieve your personal and professional goals.

    2.1 Induction Training

    Good induction training does more than make new and newly promoted employees feel respected and valued. It provides essential information, establishes good communication and prepares you for the challenges ahead. Once you complete induction, Managers will establish and record your training needs using the employee self-service portal.

    2.2 Staff Development

    At JTL, our policy of employee development is driven by the needs of the business in line with the current strategic plan. To help you meet the demands of your current and future roles, the appraisal process will identify and prioritise your training needs.

    2.3 Appraisal

    Building on individual strengths and identifying individual development needs is vital to our success. Every six months, managers conduct reviews to assess the individual’s performance, establish how well they have progressed since their last appraisal, define possible changes in their role, and identify any training needs. The appraisal also influences any performance-related salary increases that might be due.

    Salary rises should not be discussed at appraisal. Individual appraisals are recorded via the employee self-service portal and may be subject to review, moderation or comment by the Director.

    2.4 Professional Qualifications

    JTL is keen to encourage the personal development of its employees and wishes to support those who wish to gain relevant professional qualifications. This includes paying tuition fees for appropriate work-related academic courses that are relevant to their current role and agreed career path within JTL. To learn how to apply and the responsibilities that come with company-funded professional development of this kind, read our full policy HERE

    2.5 Subscription/Membership Fees

    JTL will pay annual subscription or membership fees for any professional or other organisation if membership maintains the employee’s professional standing and is relevant to their role at JTL. Payments approved by their manager should be made direct to the supplier via invoice. Alternatively, employees can pay the membership and reclaim via expenses.


    At JTL, we work hard to create a supportive and encouraging environment for everyone on our team. That’s why we take great care to protect employee data, offer fair and open recruitment practices and encourage internal promotion wherever possible. But that’s just the start. We also look after employee security and set high standards of conduct and ethics, from developing a robust whistleblowing policy to ensuring a fair and transparent approach to handling grievances and managing redundancy. It’s all about living our values rather than just talking about them.

    RPP 3.1 Employee Data

    The Human Resources Department maintains all personnel files and data, which constitute the central and strictly confidential source of information on each employee’s conditions of employment, performance, career history and personal background. Employees have the right to view the contents of their personnel file and must also notify the Human Resources Department immediately and in writing of any changes to their personal or professional circumstances. Read more HERE

    RPP 3.2 Job Descriptions

    All employees are issued with a Job Description on appointment. These may be updated at appropriate intervals. All current Job Descriptions are available of the Company intranet.

    RPP 3.3 Recruitment Policy

    Effective recruitment at JTL is not about the luck of the draw. Our policy is to recruit on merit and our recruitment process is based on fair and open competition. Quite simply, we will recruit the most suitable person without regard to any protected characteristics as defined by the Equality Act 2010. See HERE

    RPP 3.4 Internal Moves

    JTL will make every effort to retain employees within the organisation. Where there is a strong business need, we may place an employee in a vacant position without advertising the post internally. This will only be undertaken in exceptional circumstances and, as far as operationally possible, only in order to:

    • Provide ‘suitable alternative employment’ where an employee might otherwise have been made redundant; or
    • Provide development opportunities to an employee being groomed for a management position.

    3.5 Moving Home

    If an employee’s role is dependent on them living in a particular area and they intend to move to a new home that will take them significantly out of the area, they must discuss their intentions with their Line Manager as soon as possible. If working arrangements cannot reasonably be adjusted to accommodate the move, the employee’s continued employment will be subject to review and could be terminated with notice.

    3.6 Relocation

    As you would expect, if an employees is willing to move at the request of JTL from their current geographical area to a new area beyond reasonable daily travelling distance, we may reimburse the associated relocation costs. Read MORE.

    3.7 Income Tax

    For all JTL employees, income tax is dealt with through one office of the Inland Revenue. Any queries on income tax should be directed to:

    Inland Revenue
    Centre 1
    Queensway House
    East Kilbride
    G79 1AA

    Telephone number: 0845 0703703

    Quote reference number: JTL Ref.961/9915803 and your personal National Insurance Number.

    3.8 JTL Property

    You are required at all times to take appropriate care of any JTL property you may have to use in the course of your work. This includes immediately reporting any loss or damage, following basic care guidelines when travelling, and returning all JTL property in a good condition when you leave our employment. Read more HERE.

    3.9 Security

    All employees should ensure that, at the end of the working day, as far as is possible, their physical area of employment is secure (i.e. windows and cupboards closed, computers turned off and documents removed from desk tops).

    3.10 Loss of Property

    The loss of or damage to property – personal or belonging to JTL – should be reported at once to your Line Manager. You are responsible for the safety of their personal property on the premises. In all cases, you must take basic precautions to reduce of theft.  Read MORE.

    3.11 Criminal Offences

    Any employee convicted of a criminal offence should immediately declare it to the Human Resources Manager. Failure to do so may adversely affect any subsequent review.  The employee will not automatically be dismissed or otherwise disciplined because they have been charged with or convicted of a criminal offence. However, JTL reserves the right to review the employee’s conduct and any implications it has for the conduct of the Company’s business, and disciplinary action may then be taken.

    3.12 Whistleblowing (Public Interest Disclosure) Policy

    At JTL, we encourage all employees, customers and other business partners to report any concerns related to danger, fraud, illegal or unethical conduct in the workplace. Our whistleblowing policy is designed to make it easy for our employees to make disclosures without fear of retaliation. The policy clearly describes the aims of the whistleblowing, the kinds of behaviours it is designed to address, and the level of protection employees can expect. Read MORE.

    3.12a Procedure

    The JTL Whistleblowing procedure has three formal stages: blowing the whistle followed by further investigation and the final outcome including any action taken. There are simple practical steps to take for each of these stages, and these are laid out clearly HERE.

    3.13 Discipline & Grievance Policy

    Under the Employment Act 2008, a new ACAS Code of Practice on Disciplinary and Grievance Procedures (ACAS Code) was introduced to deal with grievance and procedure matters. You can see JTL’s detailed Discipline and Grievance Policy here.

    3.14 Redundancy

    At JTL, we wish to provide continuous employment to all employees and therefore make every effort to avoid redundancies. It must be accepted, however, that circumstances beyond the company’s control could result in a need for redundancies as a last resort. Our policy aims to make the process as transparent, thorough and fair as possible. Read more HERE.

    3.14a Avoidance of Redundancies

    In the event of the need to reduce headcount, JTL will explore a range of organisational ways to avoid redundancies – from reducing costs and the use of contract staff to redesigning jobs and reorganising work. If appropriate, JTL would ask for volunteers for redundancy before considering compulsory redundancies. This process will be supported by comprehensive consultation by the Directors. What all of this means in practice can be read in more detail HERE.

    3.14b Selection of Employees for Redundancy

    What criteria for the selection of employees will be used? How will they be agreed? Will they be fair and objective? These and other vital issues are covered in greater length HERE.

    3.14c Notice Period

    The employee’s contractual or statutory period of notice, whichever is the greater, will apply.

    3.14d Redundancy Pay

    Redundancy pay will be calculated in accordance with the relevant statutory provisions, which are based on the employee’s age, length of continuous employment and the current statutory weekly rate.

    3.14e Right of Appeal

    Any employee who feels that the selection criteria were unfair or incorrectly applied, or who queries the genuineness of the redundancy situation, has the right of appeal. Discover more HERE

    3.14f Time Off to Seek Alternative Employment

    Any employee made redundant will be considered for other suitable jobs at JTL and will be given reasonable support and assistance by the company to look for such roles. In the absence of such jobs, paid time off will be given to the employee to look for alternative employment.

    4. GENERAL

    4.1 Employee Recognition Awards

    At JTL, we never take our people or their performance for granted. That’s why we believe in recognising colleagues who do great things beyond the scope of their everyday duties. It’s one of the things that makes us special as an organisation – and why we have created a special Employee Recognition Award scheme. For a guide to the award categories, the award process and the sums of money received by successful nominees, read HERE

    4.2 Volunteering

    JTL recognise that volunteering creates benefits for the community, the company, and the employee. That’s why we are pleased to support requests to take part in volunteering projects for up to 10 days in any one year.  Requests for volunteering leave need to be directed to your line manager, in writing, in the first instance and paid leave will only be granted where your absence will not have a detrimental impact on your team.  You may be required to provide evidence to support your request.

    4.3 Media

    How well JTL communicates with the outside world is an important part of our brand. Enquiries from press, radio and television should be referred to the Communications team. All press, radio and TV releases also require prior approval, and employees who give unauthorised interviews to the press may be subject to disciplinary action.

    Our Media policy offers guidance on what to do if you are invited to give an interview and explains the role of the Communications team in issuing, developing and/or approving any press, radio or television response. Read more HERE

    4.4 Promotional Advertising

    The marketing team is responsible for coordinating all promotional advertising on behalf of JTL. Field staff can initiate local apprentice recruitment advertisements as the Regional Manager or Director gives prior approval, and the Head of Marketing and Communications signs of the final design and content. All recruitment advertisements must also be reviewed by Human Resources before being placed.

    4.5 JTL Publications

    If an employee intends to publish a book, technical paper or article relating to the work of JTL, they must first submit the draft to the Chief Executive for approval. JTL also has many forms in place for the administration of JTL’s business. Those currently in use have been agreed and approved with outside agencies and the use of forms other than those officially provided is not allowed.